The Facts

We have potential.
When kids drink soda, they are 55% more likely to be overweight or obese.
Water won’t weigh us down.
We can achieve great things, and make #TrentonSugarfreed.

We are brilliant.
But the sugar and acid in soda and other sugary drinks lead to cavities and tooth decay.
Water keeps you healthy and your teeth shining.
Keep your smile strong and bright, make #TrentonSugarfreed.

We are ambitious.
Food fuels our bodies, so why are sugary drinks the largest source of calories in the American diet?
Sugar won’t get us anywhere. Water will.
Let’s fuel up and go places. Let’s make #TrentonSugarfreed.

We are busy.
A sugary drink might give a short boost, but just they'll leave you feeling more sluggish.
We have too much to do.
Let’s get stay on our grind and get things done, and make #TrentonSugarfreed.

We are beautiful.
But soda is proven to age our skin faster.
Water replenishes our skin so we can glow up hydrated and fresh.
Let’s be gorgeous together, and make #TrentionSugarfreed.

We have grit.
But sugary drinks can keep our bodies from working the way they should, and can lead to diseases like Type 2 Diabetes.
Keep your body working hard and strong, like your city.
Let’s make #TrentonSugarfreed.

We love our families.
But a 20 ounce soda can have 16 teaspoons of sugar. That’s twice as much as a slice of your favorite pie.
Let’s save the sweets for desserts together, not waste it on soda.
Let’s make #TrentonSugarfreed.

We are strong.
Sports drinks are full of sugar too, and aren't necessary for our kids.
Studies show water is the ultimate way to hydrate.
We can win the big game together, and make #TrentonSugarfreed.

The Tips

  1. Try it for yourself first. After a few days of cutting out sugary drinks, you’ll feel great, and your family will see you being your best and want to join.

  2. At your next cookout, don’t just have soda options - have a water option too. Alternate drinking a small cup of soda with a nice big cup of water.

  3. Wondering what the kids are drinking at school? It’s your right to know if they are getting water, so ask! Keep them hydrated even when they’re not at home.

  4. Feeling creative? Experiment with fun alternatives to sugary drinks. Buy a two-liter of club soda, and mix in fresh fruit like lemons, watermelon slices, even herbs. Bright colors and fruity flavors will keep the kids happy and healthy too.

  5. Need a pick me up? The caffeine in many sodas can be addictive, and we don’t need all that extra sugar. Try a refreshing non-caffeinated drink like fizzy water or iced unsweetened herbal teas.

  6. Really craving a soda? Go for the smallest portion, and add a lot of ice to hydrate you better.

  7. Love drinking juice? Mix your fave flavor 50/50 with unsweetened club soda. Enjoy the taste, but with half the sugar.

  8. Juice up veggies and not just fruits. There are tasty blends that include a serving of vegetables, and are WAY lower in sugar than standard fruit juices.

  9. Playing or coaching sports after school or on weekends? Remember, those sugar drinks aren’t helping anyone play better - bring water for the team instead and watch them win.